Friday, November 28, 2008

Mumbai v/s Thackereys!!

Its been 40 hours since the inhuman terrorist attacks in Mumbai. With the Loss of innocent lives and mental stress to Indians all over the world, all we can do is pray for the souls that have gone and those still under stress and kept as hostage.
During this ordeal, news channels have updated everyone with the activities taking place every minute. However,the channels also mentioned the Visit of major leaders, directors and actors at the place where all this action takes place. Cops, NSG, Army commandos and all major security officials are spending troubled hours to fight against the attackers.
But, The question I would like to ask is, "Where the Hell is RAJ THACKEREY?"... Isn't he the same person who says "MAJHA MAHARASHTRA.... MAJHA MUMBAI"..(MY MAHARASHTRA..... MY MUMBAI).. Where are you hiding now dude?... when Mumbai is under stress he would never ever get out of his hiding location... Today, when the world shows concern towards the attacks in Mumbai and when everyone in and out of India are Glued to their television sets,where are the Thackereys. Is it that they are scared? If so then I would declare them as the biggest bunch of cowards in India... If they cant get out in their self proclaimed "MY AREA" in time of need, then what worth are they. They carry no authority or rights to declare everything to be done as per their say in Mumbai.
Its a shame on Thackereys that when The Honorable Prime Minister and Chief Minister of Gujarat flew down to Mumbai to meet and inspect the surroundings, the Thackereys could not even comment on the situation.
Finally My view on this stays that, with the support of the security officials, Mumbai shall definitely gain power and win over the attackers. However in future, Thackereys need not be given rights to talk about Mumbai being theirs.
India is a country that stands for its unity in diversity and no Raj or Bala Thackerey can ever disturb this unity.


Anonymous said...


the way media has critisised RAJ THAKREY,

now the same way media has tried to critisise your guru sri sri ravishankar by attaching his name with terrorists !

so will u belive that too ?

sitting far and beliveing in media blindly is very easy than facing the situation in real.

its a
fabricated way to break HINDU leaders of all streams like politics and sprituality.

remember shankaracharya,asaram bapu,ramdev,raj thakrey,narendra modi,and now sri sri ravishankar.

so do not belive in midia blindly as i know my mother toungh gujrati and marathi as well,and i tell u its all unnecessary flamed what raj has said in marathi.(i think media people cant understhand marathi.)

stop blaming your own people.
do not belive in media blindly !


Anonymous said...

Hey Shweta,

Many thanx for your inputs on the topic..

I agree Media is never to be believed... But you mean to say that media gathered people to go and hit the north indians n then attached raj thackerey's name with it. Or u mean to say dat all that was a Hoax...

I certainly agree that at times media hypes it all up.. Media has done it in past and would continue in future.. But its the smart people to realise this and take it through.. majority of the north indians beaten up in mumbai and pune were not against any thackerey.. yet they got beaten up.. and today NSG commandoes from the north who were bihari's also came to the rescue when it was question of the nation security..

SUPRISING BUT TRUE... Raj Thackerey has yet not come out in public to give his comment on this..When it all happened to mumbai.. where was he? When leaders like Narendra Modi, PM Manmohan Singh, Shivraj Patil, R R Patil and Vilas Rao Deshmukh came out for public/Press conference.. Where was RAJ THACKEREY?

While all the different leaders u mentioned.. "shankaracharya,asaram bapu,ramdev,raj thakrey,narendra modi,and now sri sri ravishankar." have immediately come out to media and speak up that this is not as what you presume and cleared things out..

Even the most recent - H H Sri Sri Ravishankarji came to the press and said it out that "ART OF LIVING" had jus conducted yoga classes for a camp which was stated to be a "DeshBhakti" Camp by Colonel Purohit.. just an hour of yoga was taught in the morning..Atleast all these leaders came out and cleared out the accusation put against them..

Raj thackerey would not do dat coz he is still stuck in My Maharashtra and Im Marathi concept. Why cant he think of nationalisation and then globalisation to create peace on this earth rather than discrimination.. I agree he wants to say people are forgetting marathi in maharashtra and his attempt would be to save the culture.. but that doesnt mean he has the right to squash other people from other cultures..

As in the words of H.H. Sri Sri Ravishankarji, "Broaden your vision and stick to your roots".
Which means... stick to your culture n tradition and accept all other cultures n traditions..

So be it bengali, gujrati, marathi, malayali, or any other culture in the world... we need to share them and learn all the positive form one another..

Im sorry to say but this discrimination of cultures will not be accepted.. thus u see a lot of mumbaites on streets lighting candles and givin a message that we do not require politicians and thus u see a lot of resignations coming through..

Its time to awaken dear..

Thanx once again..

Your Truly

Rikhav Acharya

Anonymous said...

u should know and study the whole subject as

RAJ is not allowed to speak to media till end of december.

nothing much has really happened in bombay or pune what u are saying !

for your kind info,many of MNS people have done ARTOFLIVING COURSE !

and i have heard his speech in which he had objection for rail exams not announced in maharastra and conducted in maha.where it was announced in bihar.

and media has potraited it as
" NORTH INDIAN war" by missguiding people again.

am sorry to say but u do not know the real facts.

and i see all your facts are based on news channels which not necessary true.

here in india no one no more belives in these BREAKING NEWS which these channels keep showing.

currently they are showing all 11 terrors killed in bomaby.where the fact is there are more 36 escaped and are in mumbai.

i am a gujrati

and i tell u

today what ever mumbai is saved after 93 bombay blast is ONLY BECAUSE OF THAKRAYS !
i am a liviing example of that.otherwise u would have seen bombay turning to pakistan !!!

i hope u have same quality of anger for MUSLIM TERRORISTS instead.which are headache for whole world today !

Rikhav Acharya said...

Dearest Shweta,

Well... wat to say? i have no grudges against Thackerey... and u have mistaken me here.. its his approach which is incorrect...

Many MNS Leaders Have done the art of living course... but how many are living upto is... there are many in the world who have done many courses but arent living upto it...

Well cutting everything short.. i don wanna believe in anyone being gujju.. or a marathi or a malayali... And your comment on being a "gujrati" is a perfect example of what is happening in the world today... discrimination and fights based on that... STOP DISCRIMINATING YOURSELF ... BE ONE WITH ALL!!

Become a Human...its all about humanity.. and if humanity doesnt exist then many laloos and thackereys would be the reasons to fights and break up of the humanitarian society..

and ofcourse after 93 mumbai would have become Pakistan if it not have been for thackereys but what happened on 26th November even the thackereys couldnt stop it..wat do u have to say on that.. are thackereys enough.. or is humanity important.. think over it..

And kindly note that this topic on my blog is clearly questioning the presence of thackerey during this inhumane attack..when he claims so much to be of mumbai and maharashtra..

As u said "widout him mumbai wud have become pakistan"... WHERE IS HE when MUMBAI and MUMBAIKARS need him the most? Isnt he jus contradicting himself out here.. or rather giving false support and hope to the mumbaites..

Btw thanx for lettin me know about my limited knowledge.. i guess u get to know more news than wat the "BREAKING NEWS" is... guess u got to know the news of the blasts much beofre they came on televisions... isnt it? cmon accept it.. television gives us news of wats happening all over.. ofcourse the news thats shown now on tv is crap most of the time.. but when all channels show the same news its so true.. like every channel on 26th nov was portraying the same news.. the blasts and its updates..

Well not much to say or argue here as its just getting into a never ending and a conclusion less arguement here...

godbless ya!!
Rikhav Acharya!!

Anonymous said...

u see it as argu ?

well u are free.

and ofcourse i stay in mumbai so i came to know about the blasts much before than dubai !

and for you being indian speech ... i will wait for the next post about how bad narendra modi is ...
instead of writting about muslim terrorists and lack of governence.

anyways u can sit there in dubai and keep commenting.but reality is much different than keep writting blogs.

Anonymous said...

your post clearly shows biased anger for thakrays which is completely irrelevant.

as instead of talking about muslim terrorists ,pakistan ,current government , or lack of security , u are talking as if thakrays have done the blast.

petriotic speech applies to people who sit away from country and keep commenting on computers.

Rikhav Acharya said...

Well Well Well... din want to comment on the sensitive issues both Shweta and Rishabh have been talking about.. - muslim Terrosits...

Unfortunately, both have move aside the topic and have lost their focus..

Keep in mind the topic never mentioned any grudges against Thackereys or love for terrorists..

To make things clear to them again :
1. Thackerey's views may be good but his approach is incorrect.
2. No terrosist has a religion..

if so they would seclude muslims and kill others.. Their approach is to kill humanity..which is incorrect..

If sitting in india like both shweta and Rishabh.. leads to forgeting mankind and humanity and fighting over my religion, my state and my people.. then i believe im much better here... where I treat every person as a Human and believe that no1 was born from his mothers womb as a terrorist..Its the circumstances, people and the society responsible for this.. which includes me you and everyone else....

And yeas Shweta and Rishab... you might think sitting in Dubai im jus commenting and having fun out here.. But at times one needs to get out of the box and think rather than sticking to fixed views over nething... and i have been one among those people..

Bin Laden is regarded as a terrorist in this world... but can u imagine wat would have lead this young lad from a prestigious family of saudi arabia to become a terrorist..think over it...

Terrorist is a simple word but a very difficult human to understand... You have been throwing this word around as though its a normal word but it indeed in a very very different and difficult human being to understand..

Patriotism doesnt mean to just sit in India..If my blog awakens india and indians to make india a better place to live in.. Then i believe my purpose of being an indian is solved

Once again for both of you...


PS: Rishabh - your comment really made me laugh... sorry to be rude.. it was jus some words put together by an inalert confused mind.. widout relevance to the topic.. Kindly read the blog again..

Anonymous said...

What Raj Thackeray was doing during attacks

You dont know what Raj Thackeray was doing coz our Hindi Channels are suppressing those news & Raj is also not speaking to Hindi/English Channels due to their systematic vilification)

This is what Raj Thackeray & his party MNS was doing during attacks:
1. When Congress was putting up banners for martys with more space for their office bearers on the banner, Raj Thackeray personally visited Karkare & Salaskar families WITHOUT any show-off
2. Got MNS to donate blood at JJ & GT hospitals (First ones to donate blood while others played political blame game)
3. Provided snacks to police & bystanders at Nariman house during action.
4. Maintained up-to-date list of dead people in CST & other rail stations. This was an important source for relatives (though written in just chalk)

Finally Raj Thackeray is not an army commando, he is a political leader. He is already fighting Laloo & Mulayam who are pumping migrants in immense nos. into Mumbai & Maharashtra, then getting them registered as voters & thereby bringing their UP-Bihar brand of politics into Maharashtra.

Only 3 political leaders were on the street during attacks:
1. Narendra Modi: Criticized as cheap for visiting Mumbai
2. Raj: Media lied he was hiding then criticized for not visiting .. heh
3. R R Patil: Criticized for saying I kept a Ganesh idol with me during outdoor visits.